New Modernization in Culture

Modernization of the lion heads has a new culture in Malaysia dates back to the year 1994 When The managing director of The Mines Berhad Tan Sri Lee Kim Yew came out with a question “Why we don’t think of some thing that represents the combination of Malaysian and Chinese culture?” and World Lion Dance Champion Master & well known lion dance equipment store WSH Lion & Dragon Arts owner, Master H.P.Siow design a custom made look lion head to represent the Malaysian culture and Chinese culture, THE BATIK LION.
In 1996, the BATIK LION was greatly expose and surprise the lion dance world as Kun Seng Keng Dragon & Lion Dance Team won the Champion Title in Shanghai China with its Malaysian represent cultured lion head, THE BATIK LION. From that day onwards, The BATIK LION design was well accepted and highly in demand. What more in Malaysia, the original batik founded land. Most of the eye opening ceremony for the royals in Malaysia including the King, Sultan, Prime Ministers, Troups like Kun Seng Keng, will order the BATIK LION and allow The Highly Respected Royals to dot the lion’s eyes and then drop a signature on top of the lion head. BATIK LIONS are harder to paint because of its complex dotting and batik flower drawing adapting into the traditional lion heads pattern drawing.


Purple Batik Lion

Batik Painting On A Closer View


This was the first time, THE BATIK LION been
expose to the world as World Champion Kun Seng Keng,
use this Malaysian symbolic lion head to represent Malaysia.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is awesome! Love your work.